Key English Test (KET)
KET at Cambridge Level One offers a basic qualification in English and also represents a first step towards the Cambridge examinations.
At this level, users are expected to be able to use English in their own or a foreign country in a range of everyday situations with native and non-native speakers of English.
At the end of the course, learners can expect to be able to:
Ø read simple texts and gain information from informative texts Ø understand basic facts and information given in announcements and/or public address system Ø handle basic enquiries related to their area of familiarity Ø provide straightforward facts when asked directly Ø take simple messages Ø express own likes and dislikes in simple terms Ø understand gist of printed information to the extent of being able to identify relevant information Ø write elementary messages
The assessment aims of the course and its syllabus are designed to ensure that the structure reflects the use of language in real life and corresponds closely to an active communicative approach to learning English, with a focus on clarity and accuracy.

Preliminary English Test (PET)
PET falls within Cambridge Level Two and is used as a measure of language ability for official or instructional purposes. Language learners at this level are also described as Threshold Level Users.
At this level a learner should be able to cope linguistically in a range of everyday situations, which require a largely predictable use of language. A Threshold Level user will be able to use English in their own or a foreign country.
At the end of the course, users can expect to be able to:
Ø read and understand informative texts, notices and relevant instructional manuals Ø understand main points of commentaries and ask questions in order to get more information Ø state requirements and ask fact finding questions within their area of familiarity Ø take part in a discussion which involves the exchange of factual information or receiving instructions Ø receive and pass on messages within predictable routines Ø deal with most situations likely to arise in everyday situations or particular to an external arrangement of non-specialised nature Ø pick out facts as well as understand opinions, attitudes, moods and wishes Ø write messages within a standard format
In real life, language is used in context, and the forms of language vary according to that context. The assessment aims of the course and its syllabus are designed to ensure that the structure reflects the use of English in real life and corresponds closely to an active and communicative approach to learning English, with a focus on clarity and accuracy

First Certificate in English (FCE)
As well as being at Cambridge Level Three, FCE also falls within the label of Independent User, which corresponds to what is often referred to as an intermediate stage of proficiency.
Learners at this level are expected to have sufficient ability to operate effectively in English in a variety of situations in the real world as well as in the context of taking a course of study in the medium of the language being learned.
At the end of this course, users can expect to be able to:
Ø handle the main structures of the language with some confidence Ø demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of vocabulary Ø use appropriate communication strategies in a variety of situations Ø distinguish between main and subsidiary points and between the gist of a text and specific detail Ø produce written texts of various types, showing the ability to develop an argument as well as describe or recount events
FCE has widespread recognition in commerce and industry. Many universities and educational institutions recognise FCE for English language entrance requirement. The assessment aims of the course and its syllabus are designed to ensure that learners are able to function with some degree of consistency, in a wide range of international contexts. |

Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
As well as being at the fifth and highest level of the Cambridge Main Suite examinations, CPE is taken by around sixty thousand people every year, in more than seventy countries.
Learners at this level are approaching a standard of English similar to that of an educated native speaker, and they can be expected to cope in nearly all situations in an English-speaking environment.
At the end of this course, users can expect to be able to:
Ø use the language in a wide range of culturally appropriate ways Ø improve their use of the language by extending their vocabulary Ø refining their usage and command of style and register rather than by learning about new areas of grammar Ø advise on or talk about complex or sensitive issues, understanding colloquial references, cultural allusions and dealing confidently with hostile questions Ø understand documents, correspondence and reports, including the finer points of complex texts Ø write correspondence on any subject and full notes of meetings or seminars with good expression and accuracy. CPE is accepted by almost all universities and colleges in Britain and other countries throughout the world, as proof that the learner has reached a level of English suitable for entry to courses of higher education or post-graduate study. It is also widely recognised throughout the world by professional bodies in commerce and industry as an indication of a high level of competence in English. |

Cambridge Business English Course (BEC)
The Cambridge Business English Course leading to the Business English Certificates (BEC), is an extensive new business English course designed to bring the real world of international business and has a broad business context, suitability and value. The certificates available at three levels – Higher, Vantage and Preliminary – are certificated examinations, are intended for use by learners preparing for a career in business or wish to obtain a business English qualification, or by those already working who want to improve their English communication skills.
The course prepares the individual to use English in a business context and test all the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. At all three levels, the ‘business’ aspect of the course is reflected in the vocabulary, the types of texts selected and the situations presented in the tasks.
At the end of the course, learners can expect to be able to:
Ø use essential business vocabulary with accuracy Ø communicate effectively in business areas of presentations, meetings, negotiations, telephoning and social English Ø present facts and figures with accuracy and clarity Ø talk about business trends and patterns Ø make comparisons and analyses Ø develop the confidence needed in handling business situations effectively
Recognition of BEC is increasing rapidly as a growing number of corporations use the examination as a focus for in-house training courses. Many universities in the UK recognise BEC Higher as a suitable entry requirement to business-related and other courses of study. |

Cambridge Young Learners English
The Cambridge Young Learners English, available at three levels – Starters, Movers and Flyer is designed for children aged 6 – 12 years and leads to a series of tests that are accessible and interesting to children who may not be used to taking examinations. With no pass or fail grades, the tests provide every student with a reward for his or her efforts.
The tests are based on activities and language uses familiar to children and aim to:
At each level the following skills are taught:
Reading and Writing Listening Speaking
The Cambridge Young Learners English course is fun to learn, the tasks are interesting and stimulating, encouraging and confidence-building and culturally fair to all learners. |

Cambridge Junior English Course
The Cambridge Junior English course, available at two levels, is specifically designed for children of age 3 – 6 years, who:
The main emphasis of the course is the adaptation of a carefully planned syllabus that encourages effective and affective language learning. The topic areas and activities have been chosen on the basis of children’s development from the familiar (self, home, school) to the outside world.
The syllabus includes:

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